Impact Careers Community
A community of good people like you. Job-seeking support that actually works. Starts at $1/month for those in need.
Find work that matters and matter at work. This is the Impact Careers Community. Launching Q3 2024

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    Testimonials - Why Work with Spencer
    What You'll Get
    Our goal is to deliver value to our client through high quality services
    • Weekly Support Sessions
      We are a leading firm in providing quality and value to our customers.
    • LIVE Group Coaching with Spencer
      Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience.
    • 1:1 resume advice, interview prep, negotiation prep sessions at fair prices
      Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us during the weekends and at night.
    • Next Job Workbook and 100 pages of Companion Materials
      We like to make people happy. We ask our clients about their birthday and prepare cool presents.
    • Curated Introductions in the Community and Beyond
      This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
    • Private WhatsApp Group with Spencer - unlimited Q&A and help (Executive Level)
      We care about our clients’ time. Just give us a call — and we will help you with all the questions.
    Who Should Apply For the Impact Careers Community?
    • Currently working but ready for a change
      If you've lost the spark at work and are ready for something different, this is the place for you.
    • Focused on Social Impact
      In Human Resources, Finance, Development, Marketing/Communications, Operations, Product, Engineering, Data Analytics, Program Management, Fundraising, Operations and Executive Roles.
    • Between contracts or new in the work force
      If you've been out of work for 6+ months or earned less than $5000 this year you are eligible to join for just $1/month.
    • Open to New Ideas
      The best community members are 'coachable' and willing to take risks and try different approaches to get what they want.
    New Grad / Out of Work
    Weekly Support Session
    1:1 sessions with Agency staff available for Purchase (Resume rewrites, interview prep, etc)
    Spencer's Next Job Workbook & 100 pages of companion materials
    Bi-weekly Live Coaching Sessions with Spencer
    Introductions by our Match-makers
    Private WhatsApp Group with Spencer
    Eligibility Criteria
    Unemployed for 6 months OR earned less than $5000 last year.
    Employed in last 6 months and earned more than $5000 last year
    Employed in last 6 months and earned more than $40,000 last year. 5+ years of work experience.
    Employed in last 6 months and earned more than $100,000 last year. 10+ years of work experience.
    Solidarity: A Founding Principle of the Community
    Even if you've been out of work for a long time or are just starting your career, you belong. We believe that we are stronger together.
    • A High Quality Experience for $1/month
      We've all been where you are. Access the same program, same materials and same networks as other clients so you can get back to work!
    • Better Together
      The Community is a place of mutual support and honest exchange. Meet values aligned people who share your desire to put good in the world.
    • Pay it Back to Pay it Forward
      When you land your next job and are able to pay, commit to making a contribution of at least $100 to our Job-Seeker Support Fund. These contributions power
    • Get the 1:1 Help You Need
      Whether it's a resume rework or prep for an upcoming interview, get access to the agency's most valuable support at reasonable prices.